
public policy

Why Social Media Intelligence is the Most Impactful Tool for Policy Analysis and Design

Social media has become an invaluable tool for policy analysis. It has opened up a new realm of possibilities for researchers, allowing them to access and analyze data from a variety of sources in real time. This has enabled policymakers to make more informed decisions and better understand the impact

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How Mythology Drives Motives Behind Public Policy


Since the beginning of human history, stories told by oral tradition have included myths and legends. They have helped us make sense of the world, comfort us when things are rough, and shape our understanding of life and the universe. Many people, however, overlook the fact that mythology can also

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Why Listening to the Public is the Only Way to Drive Change

When it comes to political agendas, it is essential to listen to the public. After all, the public will be most affected by the decisions made by politicians. Listening to the public allows politicians to understand their constituents’ needs and wants and craft policies that will best serve them.  

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