

Why the Elite Class Needs to be Reprogrammed

The world is facing unprecedented challenges, from climate change to economic inequality. To build a secure and sustainable world, we must reprogram the psychology of elites.   Elites are the people who hold the most power and influence in society, and their decisions have a huge impact on the world.

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Exploring the Human Side of Financial Markets


Financial markets are often seen as a purely economic endeavor, but they are so much more than that. They are a reflection of our collective values, beliefs, and aspirations. They are a reflection of our spiritual depth.   At their core, financial markets are about creating a better future for

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The Infusion of White Supremacy into Elite Circles

White supremacy is a racist ideology that has been used to keep elites in power for hundreds of years. It has been employed to validate the oppression of minorities, the maintenance of economic disparity, and the exploitation of people of color. White supremacy must be eradicated if we are to

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Why Listening to the Public is the Only Way to Drive Change

When it comes to political agendas, it is essential to listen to the public. After all, the public will be most affected by the decisions made by politicians. Listening to the public allows politicians to understand their constituents’ needs and wants and craft policies that will best serve them.  

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Understanding the Importance of Public-Private Interest Alignment


Governments and policymakers must adapt their methods to a world that is always evolving. In recent years, waves of human consciousness have caused a change in the way governments and policymakers think and act. This shift is being fueled by several developments, including technological progress, societal shifts, and a heightened

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How to Humanize the Financial Markets

humanizing finance

The financial markets have a reputation for being distant and uncaring, but this is not always the case. Humanizing financial markets can strike a balance between corporate and individual interests. Some possible applications are provided below.   First, human needs can be prioritized in the design of financial markets. Consumer

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Aligning Public and Private Interests Will Create a Secure and Sustainable World

public private interests

The ability to align public and private interests is crucial to the success of any nation or organization in today’s globalized environment. A safe and sustainable global community results from converging public and private interests.   There is friction between public and private interests because the motivation for the former

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Applying Spiritual Laws to Business and Organizational design

spiritual laws and business

Businesses in the modern world are constantly on the lookout for ways to increase their revenue and profits. Applying spiritual principles to commercial activity is one approach. The premise of spiritual laws is that we can influence the outcomes of our lives by strengthening the bonds between all things in

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The Path to Treasure: B Corp Status

The importance of a company becoming a B Corp and actively promoting sustainability in today’s business climate cannot be overstated. It is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability in order to remain competitive, and B Corp accreditation is one method that they may do so.

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