Since the beginning of human history, stories told by oral tradition have included myths and legends. They have helped us make sense of the world, comfort us when things are rough, and shape our understanding of life and the universe. Many people, however, overlook the fact that mythology can also have a significant impact on political systems. Policies and decisions can be defended, national unity can be fostered, and leaders can find moral direction
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The structure of an organization is essential to its success. The framework determines how the organization functions, how resources are distributed, and how choices are made. However, the importance of having the right frame of mind when creating a company structure is often disregarded. A person’s mindset consists of their core beliefs, values, and assumptions about the world. It shapes how we see the world and informs our choices. Our entire structure is based
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White supremacy is a racist ideology that has been used to keep elites in power for hundreds of years. It has been employed to validate the oppression of minorities, the maintenance of economic disparity, and the exploitation of people of color. White supremacy must be eradicated if we are to build a more just and fair society for all people. The first step in dismantling white supremacy is to recognize and address the systemic
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When it comes to political agendas, it is essential to listen to the public. After all, the public will be most affected by the decisions made by politicians. Listening to the public allows politicians to understand their constituents’ needs and wants and craft policies that will best serve them. For example, in the United States, the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010. This act was designed to provide healthcare coverage to millions of
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Governments and policymakers must adapt their methods to a world that is always evolving. In recent years, waves of human consciousness have caused a change in the way governments and policymakers think and act. This shift is being fueled by several developments, including technological progress, societal shifts, and a heightened consciousness of international concerns. The growth of the “green” movement illustrates this shift in perspective. The number of people worried about global warming and
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